- KT 1000 Knee Ligament Examination
- Measure for Post-Operative Brace (Bledsoe)
- Crutch ambulation training
- Post-op exercise program
Post-Operative (1st Week)
- CPM 0 - 60, progress to 70 degrees
- Ambulate TTWB with crutches (brace locked @ 0)
- Review / Instruct home therapeutic exercises
- Quad Sets, SLR, patella mobilization
- Active extension, passive flexion
- Cryocuff PRN
1 - 6 Weeks Post-Op
- Progress ROM 0-90degrees
- Quadriceps re-education (electrical stimulation / biofeedback )
- Quadricep Isometrics @ 70 degrees
- Patella Mobilization
- Hip PRE's
- Cryotherapy
6 - 8 Weeks Post-Op
- Progressive weight bearing with brace set 0 - 50 degrees
- Gait training ( d/c crutches when gait non-antalgic )
- Progress ROM 0 - 120 degrees
- Leg Press 90 - 20 arc
- S/C ergometer --- Standard ergometer
- Multiple angle Quad Isometrics 70 - 0 degrees
- KT 1000 @ 6 weeks
8 - 12 Weeks Post-Op
- Functional exercise program emphasizing CKC
- Quadricep isotonics ( 90 - 30 arc ), eccentric first
- Emphasis on endurance
12 - 20 Weeks Post-Op
- Restore full ROM
- Advance functional exercise program
- Quad isotonics (full arc /pain free)
- Improve lower extremity flexibility KT
- 1000 @ 3 months
20 - 28 Weeks Post-Op
- Begin running program
- Agility exercises
- Progress PRE's emphasizing Quads
- Start Isokinetic exercises
- KT 1000 @ 6 months
28 - 40 Weeks Post-Op
- Progress running and agility program
- Plyometrics
- Isokinetic test
- Functional Test Assessment
- Return to full activity
- Protect the graft
- Altered Biomechanics
- Protect the patella
- Functional Progression
Click here to download Printable Version of Guidelines Following PCL Reconstruction.